How to Amplify Your Income Opportunities with Pinterest

For most people, income growth is at the core of what they do. Let's be honest, you can have all the passion in the world, but if your passion doesn't drive revenue, it would be hard to sustain yourself. With today's digital landscape, it's easier than ever to build a sustainable online business.

For those with a keen eye and the ability to take action, income opportunities abound on platforms like Pinterest.

Whether you're looking to grow your traffic or increase your revenue potential, there's something waiting for you on Pinterest.

This article covers six ways that could help create income opportunities with Pinterest: from product sellers and course creators to service providers and more!

1. Optimize your Pinterest account.

2. Optimize your website.

3. Get clear on your branding & positioning.

4. Create pins to promote your products & services.

5. Identify how you will measure results.

6. Rinse & repeat.

Optimize your Pinterest account

To create income opportunities on Pinterest, you’ll need a high-performing account, A.K.A., an optimized account that will leave your audience wanting more.

Begin by adding keywords to your profile—this will help prospective customers find you. Be sure that your profile banner, “about your profile section,” and content clearly tells your audience how you can help and what makes you different.

Optimize your website

Believe it or not, you could drive all the traffic in the world, but if your website isn't optimized, that's going to affect your sales. One of the most powerful ways to increase income opportunities on your website is by optimizing your website using Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

Pinterest is a visual search engine, and you should always take an SEO approach on the platform to marry your website efforts. SEO can be split up into two categories: on-site optimization and off-site optimization.

On-site SEO is all about ensuring your site matches what people are looking for in search results. 

You'll want to make sure that your site content is relevant, well written, and updated regularly. Off-site SEO refers to how you rank across other sites like Google and Bing.

Aside from SEO, your website's overall look and feel will be important when it comes to user-experience. You want to ensure that you can answer yes to the following:

  • Do my products or services match what I am promoting on Pinterest?

  • Is my website easy to navigate?

  • Is my website accessible? i.e., fonts, navigation, overall color scheme.

  • What is my website load time?

  • Do I update my content when needed?

All of these factors can contribute to your traffic converting to sales, your bounce rate and your returning visitors.

Lots to think about here. You may not think it's relevant to Pinterest, but it is. Pinterest is one part of the equation, the experience that you offer on your website is the other.

Get clear on your branding & positioning

"It's time to get clear about your branding and positioning!"

What does that even mean?

Brand positioning is all about creating a unique space for you in the market. This is the area where you'll tell people who you are, what you do, why you do it best, and where to go to find out more. i.e. Pinterest.

When it comes to income opportunities with Pinterest, your brand positioning should be at the core of what you do.

How? How you wish to position yourself in the market, the products you offer, and your target market will all play an important role in your keyword research.

Create Pins to promote your products & services

The most effective way to create income opportunities with Pinterest is by marketing your product or service through pins. Of course, this is after you have done some required homework in the points above. P.S. I don't want you to start posting to Pinterest before knowing your target market and what keywords to use.

You may want to create a specific board on Pinterest for your business, with a description of what you do that will include 2-3 keywords that your ideal client would search to find your products or services. How many boards should you create? Start with a few and grow from there, there is no magic number.

You could also pin testimonial graphics and videos to speak about how you are helping people in your industry. You'll want to create both graphics and video pins and try out Idea Pins, they have been amazing for account reach and to take your ideal clients on a journey.

Identify how you will measure results

It's important to measure your success on Pinterest. Before you can measure success, you need to identify your goals. Every business has different goals. When I am asked how I measure success, it depends on the client, their goal, and industry.

Here are examples of success to measure on Pinterest:

  • For bloggers and affiliate marketers, website traffic is a common goal.

  • For product sellers, outbound clicks (traffic), engagement and sales are common.

  • For Influencers, reach, and engagement is also common.

  • E-mail list growth is a common goal for course creators.

Once you understand your goal, you'll want to spend time getting familiar with your analytics as well as keeping a close eye on your demographics.

When I work with business owners and ask about reporting, they often leave out audience demographics.

This is a big mistake, as understanding your audience along with your analytics is key to creating content that will speak to your audience.

Rinse & repeat

Month over month, please review your Pinterest efforts and keep a close eye on what's working and what's not. I may sound like a broken record when I encourage my audience to look into their analytics.

The reality is that most business owners that I work with only have to make minor tweaks to their content or strategy to start seeing results.

Remember, keep an eye on what works best for your specific goals on Pinterest by keeping up with analytics-based reporting monthly, as well as watching closely which of your pins are getting the most engagement from potential customers on Pinterest.

While there are many great strategies available when using this powerful tool, every company has different needs and must tailor its approach accordingly based on metrics like traffic and sales rates!

Do you use Pinterest for your business?


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