10 Marketing Tips To Implement in 2022

The landscape of digital marketing is changing rapidly, and we need to keep our eyes open. Many business owners feel overwhelmed at the idea of jumping on every new trend.

The reality is that you do not and never will have to jump on every new trend, but you do need to identify various marketing tips that will speak directly to your audience.

If a trend resonates with your audience, then yes, you'll want to explore what it could do for your audience. Sometimes minor changes can have the most significant impact on your audience.

Here are 10 marketing Tips to implement in 2022

  1. Using short-form video

  2. Amplify your blog efforts

  3. Use user-generated content

  4. Start using TikTok

  5. Pinterest Idea Pins

  6. Extend the life of your seasonal content

  7. Identify your people strategy

  8. Start joining conversations on various online forums & platforms

  9. Ask your audience what they want

  10. Learn to understand your data

Using short-form video

Companies are using short-form videos to sell their products or services. From TikTok videos, Instagram and Facebook stories, YouTube Shorts, Idea Pins, and more, short-form video is where it's at!

This type of video is around 30 seconds in length, sometimes 60. They are usually engaging in nature, and sometimes they include voice-overs, text overlay on still images, influencer collaborations, or anything relatable that your company can come up with. 

A company can promote their company by showing in detail what they have to offer and how it will be beneficial for the person watching the video.

It is important that they be able to tell a story about what is happening, who's speaking, what's happening at different points in the video, etc.

To make this even more interesting for your audience, you can show people using your product or service or tell them how they can benefit from it. Some behind the scenes also never help.

Amplifying your blog efforts

Blogging is a powerful way to build a relationship with customers and prospects. If you have a blog, you attract customers by continuously giving them fresh content that they find valuable.

This drives customers to come back for more at a later date.

Having a blog can also contribute to your inbound marketing efforts, yes the world is shifting gears and embracing video marketing more than ever, but this doesn't mean that you don't have readers in your audience.

Blogging is still very much relevant and when done right, can contribute to your SEO efforts.

Using User-generated content

When I audit some marketing efforts, I'll often find that many business owners have ample user-generated content at their disposition. This is why I love this marketing tactic.

Often, many customers will tag them in photos and videos on social media. It's important to realize that this type of content is pure gold.

All you need is a process to reach out and ask for permission to use these assets on other platforms. User-generated photos and videos can make for amazing evergreen content.

Another fun way to use user-generated content is to ask your current customers for testimonials on what they like about your product.

These testimonials can provide that emotional connection that can't be easily conveyed through advertisements or marketing campaigns. This emotional connection is more likely to lead to customer loyalty and more sales.

If you don't have any testimonials, consider using surveys for feedback on how to improve your business. Marketing research can provide you with significant information about how you can improve your business's positioning in the marketplace.

Marketing research will help you identify new markets, new demographics of consumers who would be interested in your products or services, and the problems they're looking for solutions to.

The more you improve, the better the experience and the more positive testimonials you will receive.

Start using TikTok

I'm sure that you've read about this. You've heard many social media professionals talk about TikTok, and it's for a good reason. Marketing trends are always changing, of course, and I'm sure you have noticed the rise of TikTok.

When there is a rise in popularity with specific platforms, it's easy to notice resistance. Without trying it, many will have very strong opinions about why that specific platform won't work for them.

TikTok isn’t going anywhere, you may not agree now, but I encourage you to keep a close eye. Chances are, someone in your industry and demographic is leveraging the platform.

And yes, it works for both B2B and B2C and various demographic segments. Do you need to be on TikTok to have success? No, but short-form video isn't going anywhere, and I like to encourage everyone to try new things when it comes to amplifying their reach.

Pinterest Idea Pins

Pinterest Idea Pins have given Pinterest users a new opportunity. They are a perfect way for service providers, product sellers and bloggers to take their audience on a journey.

They can be both in video or graphic format, making it fun for the marketing team to think outside the box. According to Pinterest, people spend 2X more on Pinterest than on any other platform every month.

That, my friends, is your sign of giving Pinterest a chance. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to build branding and content strategies for businesses on Pinterest.

I can tell you that I have never come across an industry that could not take advantage of the platform. Could I encounter that in the future? Sure, and if I do, I'll be writing about it.

Extend the life of your seasonal content

So, your seasonal content is now over, and you're about to post new content. There's a better way to make the most of your content — extending the life of your seasonal content.

Oftentimes, we create an amazing campaign, and we think it's really successful. Inevitably, before long, people have forgotten about it. I want to encourage you to extend the life of your marketing campaigns by using two marketing tactics that can help you do just that!

First, I want you to consider building hype about your seasonal products about 60-80 days before you normally do.

According to the National Retail Federation, in 2020, 42% of buyers began their holiday shopping journey early. In addition to that, there is no arm in building anticipation about your products on an evergreen basis. 

Second, working with bloggers or various influencers can help you extend the life of your content.

Think about it, if you work with an influencer to share some holiday gift ideas and include some products that you do have available year-round, you can repurpose the content created for that collaboration on an evergreen basis. 

Be sure to outline all of your goals when you reach out to the influencer or the influencer agency. They need to know the various formats of content that you want and that you plan to use the content on an evergreen basis. 

Identify your people strategy

People strategy is business strategy. When working on your branding and content strategy, ask yourself these four questions:

  1. What steps will I take to ensure that I provide a positive experience for everyone within our community (both online and offline?)

  2. What makes us different & unique from others in our industry?

  3. What would my team say about their experience working here?

  4. How do I want my audience to feel when they visit our website or social media platforms?

You may not think that these questions are important or of relevance when it comes to your business, but they are.

If you pay close attention, businesses who do really well on social media also stand out because of their company culture AND the community they foster online.

I recommend that you revisit these questions regularly and cross-check to make sure that it aligns with some of the content you are posting.

Start joining conversations on various online forums & platforms

Another great Inbound Marketing strategy is to identify and join various online conversations and provide value regularly. Being active on forums doesn't have to be overwhelming.

You likely have the content needed already, and what you can do is focus on conversations. When required, you can direct someone to a video or blog post to introduce the solution they are looking for.

Another way that I like to engage in forums is taking a short-from social media post and writing a helpful post to expand on the topic or repurpose a blog post.

When it comes to platforms like Clubhouse, you can also host various topics as well as join various “rooms” and raise your hand to be helpful where you can.

Start by finding relevant forums, engage for about 10 minutes per day, 3 times per week, and go from there.

Ask your audience what they want

One of the most important things you can do to make sure that you deliver the best possible content to your audience is to ask them what they want.

Marketing tactics should be catered to your specific audience, and asking them what they want will help guide your decisions.

If you are looking for an idea on where to start, start by asking them what type of content they would like to see more of on your blog or social media.

If you also notice that you receive the same questions over and over on social media, that's your cue to do something about it.

Being able to anticipate the needs of the consumer goes a long way.

Here are some cost-effective ways to poll your audience: 

  • Invite 5-10 audience members to join you for a networking hour. During this hour, you will ask them in detail what type of content they would find useful.

  • Incorporate survey questions into your content calendar, and use polling features on social media regularly.

  • Survey your current and past customers via email.

  • Go LIVE and ask your audience members to write you a comment sharing what they require from you.

Learn to understand your data

Understanding your marketing analytics is the best way to determine what marketing strategies will work for you.

Too many business owners are so busy trying to grow and try every trend they see that they don't take the time to understand the data in front of them or even try to dig deep into their analytics.

If you've recently created a marketing campaign (organic or paid efforts), you'll need to learn how to understand your analytics for determining its effectiveness.

In general, data can be overwhelming, and that's OK. Start spending a few minutes per day looking over your analytics, write down any questions that arise, talk about it with your colleague, and go from there.

No matter the stage of your business, these tips can help you reach your audience proactively while being helpful and growing your own visibility online.


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