Threads App by Instagram: What Business Owners Should Know

If you're here, chances are you've tried Threads, you've seen others talk about it online, or you may be curious but not quite ready to give it a try. What's been amazing about this new app is that it truly feels like a community where you can be yourself, where you can make new connections and join in on fun conversations without any real pressure. 

So, if you're curious and want to make the best of Threads by Instagram, keep reading for some fun insights. 

First Impressions of The New Threads App by Instagram

The first thing I noticed is how most users are just having fun with the platform, creating new conversations (threads) or joining in on interesting ones. This checks the box off for me since that's what social media is all about... having conversations & community building. 

Although the platform cannot be compared with Pinterest, it gives me the same positive and inviting feel. Pinterest users describe the platform as being a place where they feel positive. Most feedback about the Threads app so far has been similar. A quick look at the Threads home feed will likely show you many threads of users discussing how they are having a good time on the platform. 

It's very easy to join in on a conversation or start your own. What I like so far is that there is no right or wrong when it comes to using this new app, but the general consensus observed on the platform so far is that users are having fun with it. 

How to Use The New Threads App by Instagram

Joining and using the app is very user-friendly. They really did a great job with their UX in terms of the setup and sign-up process. Once you download the app, you log in with Instagram. Your "name" on Threads is linked to your Instagram profile, and if you want to change it, you'll also have to change your profile name on Instagram. On the other hand, you can choose to import your bio from Instagram or create your own. This gives you some room for flexibility. 

The specifications of your Threads go as follows: 

  • You can have up to 500 characters per post. 

  • You CAN include links. (Your URL character number counts towards the character limit for the post.)

  • You can add photos. 

  • You can add videos (Up to 5 minutes.)

For more updates and instructions on how to use the app, you can learn more directly from Instagram on their blog

What Will Happen Next? 

We have to ask ourselves, how long will this euphoria last? Will the platform maintain its welcoming "vibe", or will it not? I hope that we maintain this sense of community that feels so inviting and easy for many to join in on the conversation. 

We also have to remember that we can still write conversational content that is optimized for search. Instagram has said that one of the upcoming updates/functions is a more robust search function that makes it easier to follow topics and trends in real-time*. Anytime I hear the term "search," my head goes straight to search optimization. So, while I plan on having fun, I'll also be testing, ensuring that some of my threads are optimized for that future function. 

Final Words About The New Threads App

The last thing I want to do is stress out my clients or anyone in my community with the idea that they have to join a new app. But I do want everyone to consider this, at this moment in time, you have an opportunity to join a platform that is so new, not even rolled out in every country, and although there are now millions of users, everyone is considered a pioneer on the platform. Every content and social media strategy can be sustainable, and this can also be done with Threads. 

Don't stress about your strategy. Just have fun with it and test the waters with different styles of threads. Right now, the best thing you can do is browse the platform, get a feel for it, engage and see how YOU feel about it. You'll learn lots by browsing the app. Everyone started this journey together, or we could say almost together since we all joined around the same time. 

Will you be using Threads

Source: *


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