The Benefits of Using a Pinterest Marketing Agency

To use Pinterest or not to use Pinterest? We vote yes! Did you know that in today's digital landscape, social media platforms are essential for businesses to grow and create brand awareness? Social media is not just a form of marketing, but also a powerful tool for customer success and to contribute to the lifelong journey of a customer. 

While lots of companies concentrate on platforms like TikTok, Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn (and we love these platforms, too), we think that more businesses should discover Pinterest. It offers some fantastic evergreen benefits that you may not be aware of. It's important to note that Pinterest marketing takes time and effort to fully understand the platform's details and succeed.

To maximize results and save valuable time, it often makes sense to outsource this service to a specialized Pinterest marketing agency. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of utilizing a Pinterest marketing agency, highlighting key strategies and the long-term potential of this platform. Let's dive in! 

Pinterest is a Long-Term Game

As we said, Pinterest is not a platform that delivers fast results. Just like other social media channels, Pinterest requires time and consistent effort to establish a strong presence and see significant organic growth. It is essential to understand that success on Pinterest doesn't happen overnight. We recommend giving the platform a minimum of 12 months to yield optimal results through organic efforts. 

When it comes to promoting content on Pinterest through organic efforts, patience is key. It's important to remember that it can take a significant amount of time for your content to start ranking on the platform. Unfortunately, there's no way to predict exactly how long it will take for your content to gain traction on Pinterest. However, by consistently creating high-quality content and optimizing your pins with relevant keywords, you can increase your chances of success in the long run. 

Here are some signs that you are heading in the right direction with Pinterest: 

  • Your monthly views are increasing. 

  • Pinterest users are engaging with your content. Whether it is comments or saves, it's a good sign. 

  • You're starting to get email list sign-ups. 

  • You're starting to see organic traffic. 

These are all indications that whatever your goal is, you are picking up momentum. A Pinterest marketing agency can navigate this long-term game, implementing effective strategies and delivering sustainable growth.

Lead Generation and Email List Growth Ads

As much as we love organic efforts on Pinterest, we also lead-gen ads. For businesses that are new to using Pinterest for business, we always recommend starting with ads with the goal of growing their email list. You likely already have a free masterclass, e-book, or other lead magnets that you can leverage on Pinterest. 

What's important to note about Pinterest ads: 

  • You'll want to give your ad a solid 30 days (including a testing phase) to see a good cost-per-lead. 

  • Just like any other platform, if you want to run ads for various products, it's best to do so if you have a proven concept. This means that you have had sales from this product on other platforms or with other marketing means. 

  • Your budget matters. We recommend starting with a lower budget for the testing phase and, after that, investing in a healthy budget for your list growth. 

It's also important to note that how you nurture your list after an email is captured is a critical part of whether your email subscriber will become a customer. When you partner with a Pinterest marketing agency, you take the guesswork out of the equation and increase your chances of success. 

Measuring Return on Investment

Pinterest serves as a versatile platform for a wide range of businesses, including product sellers, coaches, bloggers, educators, travel companies, B2B enterprises, and technology providers, etc, etc. 

The diverse nature of these businesses means that measuring return on investment (ROI) on Pinterest can vary significantly. A Pinterest marketing agency understands the unique requirements of each business type and tailors their strategy accordingly. Establishing SMART goals and KPIs will also set you up for success. 

From increased website traffic and engagement to conversions and sales, agencies utilize data-driven insights to track and evaluate the success of Pinterest marketing strategies. This makes it easier for brands to understand the impact Pinterest has on their business and ultimately identify the ROI. 

What are some example ROI metrics with Pinterest?

  • Website traffic. (Common with bloggers, affiliate marketing brands, travel agencies & blogs, and tech companies.)

  • Email list subscribers. (Common for most Pinterest users, including bloggers, course creators, influencers, product sellers, service providers etc.) 

  • Reach & Engagement. (Common for most Pinterest users.) 

  • Conversions. (Common for product sellers who have been using Pinterest for quite some time.) 

Evergreen Traffic with Pinterest

One of the most remarkable advantages of Pinterest is its ability to generate traffic for months and even years after content is initially published. This all depends on content optimization and keyword utilization in the content. It also depends on the business type and how search volumes are trending for particular topics. 

Unlike other social media platforms where content quickly gets buried, Pinterest's search and discovery features allow content to resurface and attract new users over time. It's not uncommon for our team to run monthly reports for long-term clients and identify pins published 1–2 years ago (sometimes more) that are still driving traffic. A Pinterest marketing agency is experienced and able to help you identify evergreen traffic opportunities. 

Leveraging Pinterest Trends and Seasonal Opportunities

Pinterest Trends is an incredible tool that can aid brands in the process of researching ideas and identifying trending keywords. What's important to understand here is that even if you create content for a specific Pinterest trend, there is still potential for your content to reap the benefits of evergreen visibility for your brand. 

This happens for a few reasons: 

  • Trends on Pinterest come and go, as some of them are seasonal. 

  • Pinners are planners, so even if your business is seasonal, it's important to plan ahead. 

  • Trends on Pinterest fluctuate in terms of search volumes, and if you optimize content today, this content has the chance of getting reach, and traffic the next time this topic is trending. 

When optimized effectively, Pinterest can become a perpetual traffic source, continuously driving organic visits to a business's website or blog. A Pinterest marketing agency employs strategic optimization techniques, ensuring that content remains relevant and generates sustainable traffic over the long run.

We know that the landscape of marketing is changing, and the same is happening on Pinterest. 

Video marketing is more relevant than ever, with over 5 Billion videos viewed on the platform daily. Pinterest is also a great platform for creating zero-click content. You can create Idea Pin series that teach full concepts to your audience, allowing for trust-building and audience growth.

A quick look at Pinterest's newsroom is a clear indication that the platform continues to have a bright future. If you're looking to explore the benefits of using Pinterest for your brand. We'd love to chat. 


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