10 Pinterest Statistics Every Brand and Marketer Should Know

If you're here, chances are you've been curious about Pinterest for some time and are looking for reasons why you should consider using Pinterest for your business or blog. 

Each month, 498 Million people use Pinterest to find inspiration for their next project and plan their purchases. Let's visualize it: there are many more monthly active users than the entire United States population alone. 

Read this blog post to discover 10 Pinterest statistics every brand and marketer should know. In addition, we'll share some Pinterest tips to help your brand, no matter the algorithm changes. And yes, some Pinterest tactics have stood the test of time and have been helping brands grow year after year. 

Women Represent More than 60% of the Global Audience

If your target demographic is women, there is a solid chance that your ideal buyers are on Pinterest. This is pretty obvious, given that 60% of Pinterest users are women. Yes, other demographics are always on the rise, including Male Pinners and Gen Z Pinners who are up 40% year-over-year. 

Monthly Active Users for the Mobile App Grew 10% Year Over Year

A screenshot of the Pinterest mobile app showcasing the various features such as size, media, text, music, audio, stickers and drawing.

Understanding how your audience on Pinterest consumes content and general Pinterest user statistics can help inform your content strategy. While many people use the web version of Pinterest, the mobile app represents an immense opportunity for brands since there are sometimes more features associated to the mobile app. For example, if you create an Idea Pin on mobile, there are more features such as a music library, in-app recording and editing, stickers, filters, and more. 

Pinterest Users Plan on Average Six Months in Advance

Although this comes as no surprise since Pinners are planners, as early as June, Pinterest users are already planning for the holiday season. Whether it is gift ideas, table setting ideas, or holiday meal ideas, they are searching. In addition to planning early for the holiday season, in general, Pinners are planners, and this can work to your advantage. 

Organically (without paid ads), Pinterest takes a few months to index organic content. Everything from content optimization with keywords, consistency in posting, the quality of your URLs, and account optimization matters in terms of how well your content will rank.

In addition to that, it's important to understand your audience and what they would be searching for to discover your solution or products. 

Once brands understand that it takes time and quality content to rank up on Pinterest, and that Pinterest users are planners, it's easier to set expectations and stick with the platform. Far too often, Pinterest marketers see brands, entrepreneurs, and bloggers give up far too soon on the platform. 

80% of Pinterest Users Describe The Platform As a Positive Place to Be

There's a lot of negativity on the internet, and sometimes, having a little corner of the internet that feels positive can foster a great experience for both brands who are using the platform to get discovered and for users.

According to Pinterest, 80% of Pinterest users describe the platform as a positive place to be. In fact, their community guidelines reinforce the type of environment they want to create for their community. 

96% of Pinterest Searches Are Non-Branded

According to Pinterest, 96% of people using the platform use non-branded keywords. You may also head the term "unbranded." This means that Pinterest users are searching the platform with specific keywords for what they are looking for. 

Example: Someone on Pinterest is more likely to search for "soft black yoga pants" vs. searching for "Lululemon yoga pants." 

What makes your product unique and what defines your product is what the Pinterest user will use as a keyword. 

Yes, some searches are branded, but everyone has the same chance. This statistic has held steady between 96-97% in the recent years. A powerful indication of the vast opportunity for brands.

90% of Pinterest Users Are Planning a Purchase

A photo of a rose gold laptop and notepad with a pen. There is text overlay on the graphic stating "Discover 10 Pinterest Statistics Every Brand & Marketer Should Know."

Pinterest users are planning purchases "planning" is the key term here. Pinterest can be used as a full-funnel, but it works even better for your top-of-funnel marketing efforts.

When someone comes across a pin that showcases information, a product or service they need, they will likely either save it to one of their Pinterest boards and come back to it later or visit the URL from your pin. 

When you have the opportunity to send your Pinterest audience to the top of your funnel, and nurture them to help them make a decision, you'll be able to increase your sales. 

Fortune Global 100 Companies Are On Pinterest

Recognizing the platform's potential, 25% of Fortune global companies are on Pinterest. Brands are increasingly aware of the benefits of using Pinterest for their business to drive traffic, email list growth, community building and more. 

The Ad Revenue From Pinterest is Expected to Exceed 4 Billion Dollars by 2026

Pinterest is an incredible platform to drive organic traffic on an evergreen basis. You should have different expectations when it comes to achieving your KPIs on Pinterest if you use the platform organically vs. when you use paid ads.

Given that the ad revenue is expected to exceed 4 Billion by 2026, Pinterest is a platform to explore for both your organic and your paid ads efforts. 

8 Out of 10 Predictions from Pinterest do Come True

Pinterest is a platform that sets its users up for success. Among many of the tools they provide, each year, they release Pinterest Predicts. Pinterest predicts is a window into the future; it's Pinterest giving you their predictions based on what they have seen come through year-over-year.

Not only do they share predictions from various categories and niches, they also share keywords related to these trends. This is great for brands and can contribute to your content planning efforts. 

Pinterest Users Spend More Than Users on Other Platforms

Pinterest users make purchases from low-ticket to high-ticket and everything in between. Below is a monthly snapshot of the organic conversions a monthly management client received. While these are average results for this client, it's important to understand that this doesn't happen overnight. This is a long-term client, and we've been working on this strategy for the last 18 months. 

A photo of the PInterest conversions insights dashboard showcasing client results in terms of revenue earned.

Here's a breakdown of our efforts: 

  • Month 1 to 8, we saw a lot of reach, engagement and some list growth. We saw some revenue from email list nurturing as well. 

  • In months 8 to 11, we saw our first online conversions directly from Pinterest, with some sales each month. 

  • Months 11 & ongoing, we continued to see the online conversions increase, rinse and repeat our efforts and have been seeing great results ever since. We know our seasons, and we understand when and why to prepare for a dip in the revenue and stats. We’re always testing ways to increase these results and are always transparent with our client.

It's important to remember that no two businesses are the same, and while two businesses may sell the same type of product, every brand using Pinterest for business should do their own research and create their own unique strategy. 

No matter what your goals are with Pinterest, using the platform for less than a year doesn't give you enough chance to see what the platform can do for your brand.

It's a visual discovery engine, and similar to the concept of ranking up in Google searches, it also takes time to rank up in organic Pinterest searches. 


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